Thursday, 15 February 2018


Yesterday the School Prefects were announced. I was particularly surprised when my name was called to be Head of Durham! I am very excited as today I, and other prefects, will be presented with the Prefect's Tie!

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

The things I have auditioned for - 2018

This year, 2018, I have auditioned for many things including cultural groups and monitor jobs. The music groups that I got into are: Southwell All Hallows Chapel Boy's Choir, String Group, Southwell School Symphony Orchestra, and the Chamber Ensemble.

The Monitor/Service Roles I got accepted: Chapel Party, String Group Monitor.

Because of these activities, this means that I am occupied most lunchtimes and mornings.

100 Word Challenge (Week 3)

It was a fine day. The sun had begun to set and it had cast a dark shadow on the surface of the sea.
We drove silently for an hour and a half. We were lost in the middle of nowhere. I sat uncomfortably in the back of the car. The journey continued, Dad cursing under his breath and Mum trying to read the map in darkness. We were moving very fast when the car suddenly stopped and shook violently. I now realised what was happening. We were driving on a living island. The shaking stopped, then everything went black.