Sunday, 11 March 2018

100 Word Challenge (Week 7)

It was a hot afternoon, and my family and I arrived at Disney World, Florida. As dad was busy studying the map, Sam, my younger brother, spotted the teacup ride - the ride that he had desired the to ride the most. Reluctantly, mum agreed and she escorted us to the ride. We relaxed in the spinning teacup while music played in the background. Then, as the music got faster, so did the spinning of the teacups. The teacups spun so fast they flew off the platform like flying saucers and landed violently on the nearby grass. Then I fainted.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

100 Word Challenge (Week 6)

I turned on the television. It was the news, and the new american president was getting announced. The news reporter was going on and on about how the voting system worked. But after what felt like eternity, he said it… Donald Trump. I could almost hear the world’s surprised emotions. As I turned on my laptop to check the statistics, a peculiar thought came to me. Trump was president, but what if I was in charge? What if I got to have the immense amount of power? Then the battery of my laptop ran out and the screen went black.